LOVE PRAXIS is a crossroads for new politics In times of extreme identity political polarization, we create space for healing by (re)membering ourselves as wholes and interconnected Earth beings; Our proposal is a journey towards the manifestation of a LOVE ( o ) politics for the collective liberation; ( o ) as a decision, as an act of commitment to how we face the world and our own existence; We engage with the trouble of our historical wounds from within ourselves and by doing so, we seek and integrate old-new and cracking narratives/perspectives to dilute and expand the modern ways in which we perceive reality and social justice; It is from this radical place of ancestral Queerness and surrender that we weave imaginaries of complexities that go beyond the mechanisms that have been labeling, separating, and oppressing us; LOVE PRAXIS holds an animist approach inspired by the Yoruba spiritual philosophies and practices from where we awaken old monsters, water the wildness within, and invite us to dwell with the sky; It's a ceremony of radical hope and beauty; Collective grief and utopias; All living at the end of everything that can start, now _____ . # THE CROSSROADS LOVE EATS THE WOUND It's the LOVE PRAXIS's written archival of thoughts, practices, and personal experiences on the journey of healing the Colonial wound, and birthing the ancestral FutureS anew; MORE INFO: HERE IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ANCESTRAL FISH-FISH WHO DWELLS IN THE SKY it’s an Animist healing journey designed to support people who are committed to starting a self-healing practice to anchor LOVE in their life and contribute to the collective liberation with an increased capacity and wholeness. It’s a journey to restore our planetary sense of identity - Oneness - and reconnect with the amazing unseen world that is all the time available to support us in the journey ( inner God, Ancestors, Orisas, spiritual guides and animals, angels, fairies, etc;) MORE INFO HERE WATERING FUTURES THROUGH MY GRANDMOTHER'S EYES it's an immersive embodied-storytelling workshop designed to trouble colonial trauma. Here we anchor LOVE as planetary healing, transformative force, and practice. We face and integrate humanity's socio-historical wounds and shadows. Through Water energy, we create space to question the separation of self from the collective and nonhuman people (rivers, plants, animals, etc.). Together we engage in practices of (un)doing our bodies and identities to give birth to the FutureS. MORE INFO HERE WILD PRAYERS It's a collective ground to ritualize life and restore our relationship with the more-than-human people. In these sessions we channel and design meditations, invocations, libations, other rituals, and practices for the purpose of healing our relationship with our extended Earth body - Mother Nature - and together we call for peace with the lands around the world, especially with those that are still facing conflicts, wars and/or occupation. COMING UP SOON...